Mission Control
Most social networks are designed to maximise shareholder profit. It will never be in commerce’s self-interest to provide citizens with tools to organize, coordinate and empower themselves.
If we want self-empowering tools, we will have to create them ourselves.
The Local Network design has clear aims and objectives, but empowering people means enabling them to say what they need, the strategies they want to use and the skills they are prepared to contribute.
We therefore provide a tool for users to add, up-vote and down-vote items in the Local Network development plan.
Mission Control helps users to address not just the symptoms of their problems, but the drivers that cause the problems in the first place.
Through its uneven impact, Covid-19 is exposing the systemic unfairness in our society. Mission Control – finally – offers a way for citizens to coordinate their voices and speak so clearly, their priorities cannot be ignored.
Any solution provided by a business or government is unlikely to inspire the trust and belief of users. The answer has to be a social network that is independent of both – that is viewed by users as belonging to them.
Whilst it will be costly to set up, The Local Network contains multiple robust income streams, making it highly profitable; money which will be used not to pay owners or investors, but to achieve the priorities determined by its users.